West end mt


West End MT operates from 12 – 5:30 on Sundays and runs for three terms per year, 10 weeks per term. Term dates are sent out on successful placement into the school. 

Students are split into groups according to both age and experience. 

The maximum student number per class is 30. 

Our auditions and training are generally suitable for performers aged between 9 – 25.

If you are not within this age limit please contact us to discuss whether you could still be suitable to train with us.

West End MT fees offer exceptional value for money considering the quality of our training, facilities and high quality performance events that our students participate in. 

Details of our fee structure will be sent to you upon audition application. 

As part of our initiative to find and support exceptionally gifted performers, we offer a limited amount of part and full scholarships.

All of our staff are DBS checked through West End MT and children under school leaving age will be accompanied by a DBS checked assistant at all times throughout the day. 

Our auditions offer a great insight into our weekly training at West End MT! You will receive personalised feedback from the faculty who will also work with you on your audition piece. Please go to the auditions page to apply.